Category Archives: General

TW PC Notice of Public Rights year ended 31-03-24

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Agenda for Parish Council Meeting 29 May 2024

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Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 29 May 2024

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March 2024 agenda

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March Meeting

Due to the lack of essential business and purdah the Parish Council meeting scheduled for 27 March 2019 has been cancelled. Please note the date of the next meeting Wednesday 15 May 2019

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Threapwood Times

Threapwood Parish Council are looking for a volunteer to edit The Threapwood Times, if you can help please contact the Clerk, Richard Salmon

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November 2018 Extraordinary Meeting

An extraordinary meeting has been called for Wednesday 21 November 7:30 pm at Chorlton WI Hall to consider the appeal for planning application P/2017/0799 (Wxm) for a poultry unit at Mulsford Farm, Sarn (Adjacent parish)

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2018 Audit

For details of the 2018 Annual Governance and Accountability Return please look under the heading Finance

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